Friday Finds — AI for L&D Analysis and Image Generation, Ultimate Guide to Zoom Presentations

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“Nothing, to my way of thinking, is a better proof of a well-ordered mind than a man’s ability to stop just where he is and pass some time in his own company.”

— Seneca

I’m back from the Canadian Elearning conference last week – eh! If you’re curious about what Bianca and I shared, you can snag the slides and other juicy details here. Speaking of heat, summer’s definitely cranked it up here! We’ve got a softball tournament to watch this weekend, thankfully close to home so we can sneak back and get some sweet air conditioning in between games. My daughter’s the catcher, so she feels it the most, and we’re a bit shorthanded, so they’ll have to fight extra hard. Still, can’t wait to cheer them on!

Thanks for reading!

🎶 What I’m Listening To

Ever wonder what happened to these “One Hit Wonders”?

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L&D Job Opportunities

📰 News & Notes

Perplexity: a powerful co-pilot for instructional designers in the analysis phase

How Learning Designers Are Using AI for Analysis

AI is becoming a must-have tool for instructional designers. Especially in the early planning stages. Philippa Hardman looks at how AI can help us figure out the exact problem we’re trying to solve, who exactly we’re teaching, and what skills they really need. Tools like ChatGPT and Gemini can automatically gather information, while Perplexity and Claude can help us understand it better. This lets us build training programs that directly target what the company needs and what the learners will actually use. In short, AI helps us analyze information better, which leads to better training overall. It’s not just a nice perk anymore, it’s becoming essential.

🎯 Take away: A practical guide on how to 10X your analysis process using free AI tools, based on real use cases

The 4 Stages of AI Image Generation: An Experience Map

AI image generation tools have revolutionized the way we create visual content by automating the design process, yet they require human oversight to achieve optimal results. According to Nielsen Norman Group, there are four critical stages to effectively use these tools: defining the problem, generating ideas, refining outputs, and implementing the visuals. For L&D professionals, understanding these stages ensures that AI-generated images are not only creative but also pedagogically effective and aligned with learning objectives. This approach balances the efficiency of AI with the strategic insight of human designers, enhancing the overall impact of learning materials.

🎯 Take away: AI image generation users often follow a similar creative process: ideate, generate, refine, and export.

The Ultimate Guide to Giving Virtual Presentations on Zoom

Have you ever felt frustrated by online guides promising the ultimate knowledge but falling short? You’re not alone! But here’s some great news: Oli Gardner’s guide is different. This exceptional resource caters to both beginners and seasoned speakers, offering practical tactics that can truly elevate your presentation skills. By putting these techniques into action, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-notch presenter, whether online or offline!

🎯 Take away: An irreverent and shockingly actionable companion for anyone who wants to communicate to invisible audiences through a laptop screen

What story is your learner data telling you?

Find out how you can visualize learner and L&D data to help discover insights and “connect the dots”—leading you to make confident data-driven decisions. Learn more with our Business Intelligence guide.

🧰 Tech Tools & Tips

If tools are your jam, check out my new Work Smarter newsletter.


You’ll love this AI-generated illustration library for your design projects.


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🎧 Podcast

This is the conversation that caught my ear this week. Check out previous episodes in the Friday Finds podcast playlist.

AI in Learning and Development

In this episode, hosts Meg Fairchild and Megan Torrance talk about the world of artificial intelligence in Learning and Development. They discuss the prevalence of AI in various industries, its potential impact on L&D, and the opportunities and challenges it presents for professionals.

🧳 Where’s Mike?

If you or your event needs a speaker or workshop that is highly interactive and super practical, we should talk.

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Friday Finds is an independent publication that I produce in my free time. You can support my work by sharing it with the world, booking an advertising spot, or buying me a coffee.

Published by Mike Taylor

Born with a life-long passion for learning, I have the great fortune to work at the intersection of learning, design, technology & collaboration.

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