Steal These Marketing Secrets to Write Irresistible L&D Program Titles

We’ve all been there. You’ve poured your heart and soul into crafting an amazing learning program, but registration numbers are dismal. What gives? Often, the culprit is a lackluster title. Just like in marketing, where headlines are the gateway to clicks and conversions, your L&D program titles hold immense power.

Here’s why mastering the art of the title is crucial for L&D professionals:

  • First Impressions Matter: In today’s overflowing content platforms and LMS catalogs, a compelling title is your chance to grab attention and convince learners to invest their valuable time.
  • Clarity is King: Your title should be a crystal-clear window into your program’s content and value. No confusion, no surprises.
  • SEO Savvy: Strategic use of keywords in titles can boost the discoverability of your program in internal search engines.

So, how can you up your L&D title game and transform them from snooze-fests to sign-me-ups? Here’s where your marketing colleagues come in:

  • Borrow the “Benefit Buzz”: Marketing thrives on highlighting the benefits a product or service offers. Emulate this by focusing on the value proposition of your program. Instead of “Management Fundamentals,” try “Become a More Effective Leader in 5 Steps.”
  • Power Up with Power Words: Spice up your titles with words that evoke emotions, curiosity, or a sense of urgency. Think “Master,” “Unlock,” “Boost,” “Proven Formula,” “Insider Secrets,” “Game-Changing”…the possibilities are endless!

Ready to Test Drive Your Titles?

The good news: you don’t need a marketing degree to write magnetic titles. Here are some handy tools to help you evaluate and refine your creations:

So go ahead – put on your marketing hat, flex your creativity, and craft those titles that will have learners rushing to click “Register.” Your L&D programs (and your learners) will thank you!

Published by Mike Taylor

Born with a life-long passion for learning, I have the great fortune to work at the intersection of learning, design, technology & collaboration.

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