Microsoft Cloud Fonts: Like An Easy Button for PowerPoint Typography

As I drank my coffee, this morning and peeked in on my Twitter feed, the first thing I saw was this tweet from Nolan Haims (@NolanHaims) about Microsoft Cloud Fonts.

Using custom fonts in your PowerPoint slide decks has been a bit of a challenge for a long time. In short, it was one of those things that sounded good in theory but didn’t quite pan out the way you hopDe in practice. And until recently, if you were on a Mac you couldn’t do it even if you wanted. In short, if you created PowerPoint slides that were going to be presented by someone other than yourself you had to consider your options very carefully or use a set of “safe fonts”.

Now, with Cloud Fonts, you can expand the number of fonts that are available for safely using and sharing with anyone else. Depending on which version of Office you are on, you might already have this new feature.

You can see above that I have a cloud icon next to some of the fonts showing in PowerPoint. (This is in the other Office apps too.) Those are the new cloud fonts and all you have to do to use them is select them from the list. Microsoft handles the rest and you can sleep soundly knowing that anyone else who presents or works with your Office documents will have access to it. No more wonky slides and documents for the people on the receiving end who don’t have that custom font you used.

Learn more and check out the full list here:

Published by Mike Taylor

Born with a life-long passion for learning, I have the great fortune to work at the intersection of learning, design, technology & collaboration.

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