Friday Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | May 14, 2020

“Change the way the work works, and people’s behaviours change for free.”

John Seddon

Show me the money! Here in Ohio, people who’ve had at least the first vaccine shot will be eligible to win $1 million dollars once a week for 5 weeks in a row. It would be nice to win, but I’m just happy that our entire family is now protected – our kids got their first shot this week. Maybe one of them will win and can take care of me in my old age!

Thanks for reading!

What I’m Listening to: If you like Mark Farina’s Mushroom Jazz series, you’ll want to check out what I’m spinning today. Om Lounge is a “stereophonic parlor of global rhythms”.

Last week’s most clicked item:
Introducing “Interteaching” (Works Online Too!)

How to use RSS feeds to boost your productivity

There are two types of internet users – those who use RSS and those who don’t. RSS is an important part of my workflow that helps me stay up to date with news, discover new ideas, and keep my inbox clean. This is a great article from Zapier on what RSS is and how you can start using it?

The 10 Essential Strategies for Deeper Learning

Learning can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be mysterious. Scott Young shares research that shows there are better ways of studying, not just for passing the test, but for creating deep understanding. In this post, he includes ten essential strategies you should keep mind any time you need to learn something important.

How Visual Clarity Affects Learning

How do you react when you see a very complex diagram or a screen of dense text? Are you motivated to work through it? Or do you groan and turn away if it becomes too difficult? Connie Malamed shares some interesting research on Processing Fluency, which refers to the ease with which a person processes information.

Maximize Your Training Results With One Powerful Question

Writing at his new professional home at Tier1 Performance, Will Thalheimer dishes on how people who are learning must process information in certain ways—ways that are difficult to do if we keep overloading with new stuff to comprehend. Including too much content not only causes problems because it harms attention and hurts the comprehension process—it also makes it impossible to add critical learning-supportive activities.

3 Tips to Tell Better Stories (Story Formula)

In this short video, Chris Do shares some storytelling secrets including a pretty simple formula that you can follow to develop your content into something that will actually be engaged with, shared, and discussed. Check out his blueprint for creating content that people actually connect with.

Watch video on YouTube


Tools & Tips

  • DraftSend is a presentation sharing site that lets you add your own audio to your slides
  • Principles You is a free personality test created by Ray Dalio and Adam Grant
  • Figjam is an online whiteboard for teams by Figma
  • Sutle enables you to save and organize resources into a directed learning path
  • lets you create documents with ‘super powers’

Where You Can Find Me

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Published by Mike Taylor

Born with a life-long passion for learning, I have the great fortune to work at the intersection of learning, design, technology & collaboration.

2 thoughts on “Friday Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | May 14, 2020

  1. Hi Mike,

    I really enjoy your weekly newsletter – always packed with great info and because it drops on a Friday … it’s a nice segway into the weekend 🙂

    This week I think you may have missed the link to Chris Do’s 3 tips to tell better Storys (story formula)? I would really love to see this – I’m always looking to improve my own storytelling technique!!.

    Thank you, Kind regards, Siobhán

    *Siobhán O’Leary*

    *SOL Learning |Online Learning & Communications*

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    *t **087 2397693*

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