Using Email Marketing Tools for Learning Campaigns

Imagine writing a set of emails just once that is sent to different people at different times when they need it most. Despite all the hype for social networks and messaging apps, there’s only one online platform that everyone uses: email. You can send an email using any email service or application, and you’ll knowContinueContinue reading “Using Email Marketing Tools for Learning Campaigns”

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Just get started

If you know me, at some point you’ve heard me talk about working smarter instead of harder. In all the years I’ve been talking about that I’ve never had anyone disagree. Yet, far too often when the conversation progresses to exploring new ways of working I hit the “I don’t have time for that.” objection.ContinueContinue reading “Just get started”

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Friday Finds

It’s been awhile since my last post on new things I’ve discovered. So here are some things that I’ve collected since then including: Sortd: a super useful task list skin for Gmail Office Lens: a mobile app that lets you translate photos of documents into editable Word and PowerPoint Photopea: a free, online graphics editorContinueContinue reading “Friday Finds”

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