Wired Not Tired: Is Curation the Cure for What Ails You?

As I soak up the sights and sounds of Las Vegas this week here at DevLearn, I’m grateful for a few opportunities for some conversations around curation. Later this morning I’ll host a Morning Buzz on Curation in the workplace and tomorrow Bianca Baumann and I are leading a “Wired, Not Tired: Is Curation theContinueContinue reading “Wired Not Tired: Is Curation the Cure for What Ails You?”

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Friday Finds | July 13, 2018

Looking for a previous edition? Check out the archives “What the pupil must learn, if he learns anything at all, is that the world will do most of the work for you, provided you cooperate with it by identifying how it really works and aligning with those realities.  If we do not let the world teachContinueContinue reading “Friday Finds | July 13, 2018”

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Read It Later Apps

It happens every day—you’re in the middle of working, but something catches your attention. You definitely want to read or watch it, but just not right now. What should do you do?Try a ‘Read It Later’ app to save all of the interesting articles, videos, cooking recipes, song lyrics, or whatever else you discover. TryContinueContinue reading “Read It Later Apps”

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How do you make time for learning?

I recently had the honor of being invited to assist Allison Rossett teach a “Digital Writing for Learning and Performance” course in the Educational Technology program that I attended. Allison wrote about it in the ASTD blog.  My excitement for being involved with such a great course has now turned into disappointment — the courseContinueContinue reading “How do you make time for learning?”

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