Social Bookmarking: Your Favorites Really Want to be Free

Raise your hand if you’ve ever experienced any of these things: A computer crash wiped out all of the favorites from your web browser You wanted to access a bookmark on your work computer from home (Or vice versa) You couldn’t find a bookmark you know you saved because there are too many or youContinueContinue reading “Social Bookmarking: Your Favorites Really Want to be Free”

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My PKM Process

Shannon Tipton, recently asked if I could share my process for keeping up with the topics I’m interested in and how I curate the best thing that I find along the way. Here is a video walking through my personal set up for keeping up, organizing and sharing — and doing it efficiently with aContinueContinue reading “My PKM Process”

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Social Bookmarking: A Gateway to Social Media Literacy?

I’ve been thinking lately about how people use social tools to filter, process and share all the things relevant to them and their colleagues. Like most systems the three main parts are input, processing & output. (Harold Jarche labels his Seek-Sense-Share and I like the somewhat similar Ask-Learn-Share.) Before I get to the question ofContinueContinue reading “Social Bookmarking: A Gateway to Social Media Literacy?”

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