How I Create My Weekly Newsletter (and personal curation tips you should steal)

Image from Since I haven’t written a blog post in a while, I thought it was time to dust off the cobwebs. I wanted to answer one of the questions I get asked the most. In this post, I’ll share a bit about my curation process and how I choose the things I shareContinueContinue reading “How I Create My Weekly Newsletter (and personal curation tips you should steal)”

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The Show: Learning Design Competition

If you work in Learning & Development, you owe it to yourself to check out “The Show”. Cath Ellis and Kim Tuohy have created a totally brilliant learning design competition that is currently running as part of the lead up to The Learning Conference 2020. It is like “March Madness” but for learning pros.ContinueContinue reading “The Show: Learning Design Competition”

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Friday Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | February 22, 2019

” There are no educators, but only people who show others how they can educate themselves.” —Jean Guitton Today is my last day at Mindset Digital. As I turn to look for my next adventure, I have an appreciation for people and organizations who are passionate about what they do, do it well, and areContinueContinue reading “Friday Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | February 22, 2019”

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Social Bookmarking: Your Favorites Really Want to be Free

Raise your hand if you’ve ever experienced any of these things: A computer crash wiped out all of the favorites from your web browser You wanted to access a bookmark on your work computer from home (Or vice versa) You couldn’t find a bookmark you know you saved because there are too many or youContinueContinue reading “Social Bookmarking: Your Favorites Really Want to be Free”

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Fresh Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | September 7, 2018

Looking for a previous edition? Check out the archives Our ability to grow is directly proportional to our ability to share. — @GapingVoid Once again, it is time for the happy Friday dance! When you’re done dancing, here are some of the best things I found this week from the world or learning, design, andContinueContinue reading “Fresh Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | September 7, 2018”

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The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | August 10, 2018

Looking for a previous edition? Check out the archives “A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of Life.” – Thomas Jefferson. We took several long, hot walks exploring Paris this week. The views were fabulous, the lessons were plentiful and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share themContinueContinue reading “The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | August 10, 2018”

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Using Subtle Animations & Transitions

Animations and slide transitions are something that fall into the “just because you can doesn’t mean you should” category. However, when used well they can bring focus to the right things and add a degree of polish that can make your designs feel a bit more polished and professional. The key is to use animationContinueContinue reading “Using Subtle Animations & Transitions”

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5 More Great Books for Your Learning & Development Bookshelf

In case you missed it, Connie Malamed and JD Dillon both recently recommended 5 good books for Learning & Development pros. You should definitely slide over to their sites and check these out. Five New L&D Books To Check Out by Connie Malamed (@elearningcoach) 5 Must Reads for Modern Learning Pros by JD Dillon (@JD_Dillon)ContinueContinue reading “5 More Great Books for Your Learning & Development Bookshelf”

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Visualize Your Training Data with an Infographic Report + Free Template

Virtually every training department in the world does some form of post-event evaluation. Instead of giving your stakeholders data that looks something like this… Egad….nobody is going to read that! Which is exactly why it is a wise investment of time to transform this information into something more digestible. Think about the top things youContinueContinue reading “Visualize Your Training Data with an Infographic Report + Free Template”

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Time to Retire Your Business Card

Why do people still use business cards? Other than leaving them in a bowl trying to win a free lunch, I’m not sure. Gary Vee doesn’t know either. (Language warning) Let’s think about it for a second. What is the first thing you do when you’re meeting with someone new? If you’re like me,ContinueContinue reading “Time to Retire Your Business Card”

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