How I Create My Weekly Newsletter (and personal curation tips you should steal)

Image from Since I haven’t written a blog post in a while, I thought it was time to dust off the cobwebs. I wanted to answer one of the questions I get asked the most. In this post, I’ll share a bit about my curation process and how I choose the things I shareContinueContinue reading “How I Create My Weekly Newsletter (and personal curation tips you should steal)”

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Getting Started With Curation

A Content Curation Roadmap: What You Need to Know to Get Started It was a lot of fun to be part of Robin Petterd’s Learning While Working Virtual Conference this week. This second edition was even bigger and better than the first. A huge thank you to Robin and everyone behind the scenes who makeContinueContinue reading “Getting Started With Curation”

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Friday Finds | November 3, 2017

It has been a very rich week around here. In addition to all the Halloween candy, we’ve got a lot of great stuff for presenters, training pros and other types of digital workers. 59 Theses For the Future of Work Mathias Vermeulen surfaced this article containing 59 theses for the future of work. These areContinueContinue reading “Friday Finds | November 3, 2017”

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Keep Up With Your Twitter Lists (and a whole lot more) in Flipboad

You know about Flipboard right? The super visual, great looking way to keep up on all the things you love and discover other new sources of news and learning? (If not, get over there now and check it out! )  Their iPad app is how I usually browser my Flipboard magazines, but you can callContinueContinue reading “Keep Up With Your Twitter Lists (and a whole lot more) in Flipboad”

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