How I Create My Weekly Newsletter (and personal curation tips you should steal)

Image from Since I haven’t written a blog post in a while, I thought it was time to dust off the cobwebs. I wanted to answer one of the questions I get asked the most. In this post, I’ll share a bit about my curation process and how I choose the things I shareContinueContinue reading “How I Create My Weekly Newsletter (and personal curation tips you should steal)”

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Social Bookmarking: A Gateway to Social Media Literacy?

I’ve been thinking lately about how people use social tools to filter, process and share all the things relevant to them and their colleagues. Like most systems the three main parts are input, processing & output. (Harold Jarche labels his Seek-Sense-Share and I like the somewhat similar Ask-Learn-Share.) Before I get to the question ofContinueContinue reading “Social Bookmarking: A Gateway to Social Media Literacy?”

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