Learning Science: The Coherence Principle Decoded

Picture this: I’m fresh on the scene as a new learning designer, proud of my first course about the pH of water systems in a coal-fired power plant. To ‘spice things up,’ I throw in a fun fact about the pH of beer. The result? A confused audience and a diluted message. It’s a pitfallContinueContinue reading “Learning Science: The Coherence Principle Decoded”

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Fresh Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | September 7, 2018

Looking for a previous edition? Check out the archives Our ability to grow is directly proportional to our ability to share. — @GapingVoid Once again, it is time for the happy Friday dance! When you’re done dancing, here are some of the best things I found this week from the world or learning, design, andContinueContinue reading “Fresh Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | September 7, 2018”

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3 Easy Ways to Cut Text And Upgrade Your Slides

Reading your slides is public enemy #1 when it comes to presenting and your audience hates it more than anything! And if you do it because you want to reach visual learners, there is no such thing. Research shows that when people both hear and see the same verbal message they have trouble focusing onContinueContinue reading “3 Easy Ways to Cut Text And Upgrade Your Slides”

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