Friday Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | February 1, 2019

“When I’m reading, I’m looking for something to steal. Readers ask me all the time the traditional question ‘Where do you get your ideas from?” I reply: ‘We are all having ideas all the time. But I’m on the lookout for them. You’re not.’”  —Philip Pullman It has been a webinar kind of week for me.ContinueContinue reading “Friday Finds: The Best of Learning, Design & Technology | February 1, 2019”

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Friday Finds | February 2, 2018

“Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.” – Claudius Loads of learning opportunities in this week’s roundup. From learning xAPI to peeking in on some top conference backchannels there is something here for everyone. Hope you can glean some value from wherever you are in the world reading this. Cheers!ContinueContinue reading “Friday Finds | February 2, 2018”

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A Better Way to Curate Training Videos With Vimsy

Curating a collection of videos for learning purposes is part of many L&D professionals toolkit. While video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia can be a rich source of valuable content, you don’t have many good options for organizing them, virtually no control over access (unless they’re yours) and no way to know who isContinueContinue reading “A Better Way to Curate Training Videos With Vimsy”

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